Palm Springs Int’l Film Festival
In my experience, true creativity arises from what we don’t know. Unexpected obstacles force us to devise out-of-the-box solutions we would never ordinarily have considered.

DOC NYC World Premiere: “Janis Ian: Breaking Silence”
Thank you, DOC NYC and IFC Center, and everyone who attended our SOLD OUT festival World Premiere of “Janis Ian: Breaking Silence.” It was a

Cheech Marin: Creating the Premiere Episode of PBS SoCal’s Emmy-Winning Series “Artbound”
I’m thrilled to share that PBS SoCal, Southern California’s flagship PBS station, has announced that its original Emmy® award-winning arts and culture documentary series ARTBOUND

San Francisco Jewish Film Festival: Sneak Preview
I immigrated from London to San Francisco as a child, and it was there, as a middle schooler at The Hamlin School, that I first

Joan Baez: Filming with a Folk Music Icon
The people who are in your life say so much about you. Janis Ian has a magnificent array of friends and fans. Joan Baez is

Werner Herzog: On Meeting a Master
A sweet moment with Werner Herzog at the Aero Theater. I told him he makes the world more beautiful and he said he “tries”. To

Arlo Guthrie: Interview for “Janis Ian: Breaking Silence”
A moment of repose during our shoot with Arlo Guthrie at Preservation Hall in Saratoga Springs. That afternoon, Arlo shared his unique insights into the

Origins: Jewish Film Institute Residency, Summer 2023
Thank you to the Jewish Film Institute for spotlighting my in-progress documentary “Janis Ian & The Art of Song.” I’m heartened to be welcomed into

Origins: Anna Nicole Smith: You Don’t Know Me
Ashley Lewis, who is a good friend of mine and was a very good friend of Anna Nicole, is featured in Anna Nicole Smith: You